Monday, April 15, 2013


haven't written here in a while. It has been a blast really. Changed host family and work and yeah, just generally veru busy. But also there really hasn't been a lot to update.

Korea, also loves coffee like Finland. But the coffee they love is coffee mix with instant coffee,sugar and milk powder. This is somerthing I cannot drink.

Because of that, I have looked through the coffee section for some black coffee to have at work. And I will do reviews about the coffees while I try them and get new ones.

First is this.
HiKoco gourmet black coffee.
It was 3000won and has 3 bags of coffee. It looks like big teabag so I was a bit vary about how it'd taste.

Well, even after 10minutes of soaking the liquid (cannot be called coffee) was still very mild and vaguedly brown. To be honest, it was difficult to drink it. But there is still two more bags so next time I try with a bit less water